Main features
rM2 / rMPP Template Helper & Custom Screens helps you to create and manage your own templates, to upload your own screens (e.g. sleep screen), changing recently used emails and to support you with the individualization and backup of your reMarkable.
Easy firmware
1. download templates
2. update firmware
3. upload templates (without downloading first)
Simply connection
Use rM2 Template Helper on
all Computers with Windows 10 or Windows 11
over USB or WiFi.
Just change the look of your
Watch the video to learn more.
A new full featured video about rM2 / rMPP Template Helper and
Custom Screens
A new full featured video about rM2 / rMPP Template Helper and Custom Screens
Why is this app free?
Who is this guy who programmed this?
The guy is Roland. He comes from beautiful
He likes to write with the reMarkable and also likes to
Not only professionally (
but also privately. He just loves it.
In the second lockdown due to COVID, on the one hand he was a bit
bored and on the other hand he was looking for good software to
manage templates and screens for his reMarkable. Unfortunately,
what he found didn't make him happy. So he decided to develop his
own software. This should be user-friendly and still be able to do
everything the user wants.
"rM2 Template Helper" is free, but it took countless hours of his
time and much of his sanity to develop. If you want to donate a
few euros to him (there is no obligation) this is a great way to
make sure he can afford to take the time to keep improving the
application and adding new features. Or just buy a license.
If you would like to offer your template for the application to
the community free of charge, just send him your template by email
( or via Facebook-PM.
Customer opinions
Thank you so much! I have used Remarkable for
more than 3 years, and your programs are the best by far when it
comes to sync templates and splash screens.
I have used other programs that i paid for, but nothing as good
and simple as your programs.
Keep up the good work, P. R.
Dear Roland, thank you very much for your generous offer of a
lifetime license for rM2TH! was pleasantly surprised by your
gesture for this was not expected (nor neccesary). I made the
donation as a thank you for a beautifully created app that I use
with great pleasure, many thanks to you for that.
I hope you keep creating user-friendly software like the RM2
Template helper in the future.
Thanks again and warm regards, M. K. (2020 supporter)
Allergrößten Respekt. Das ist ein schönes Stück Software,
übersichtlich, bedienerfreundlich und mit weitreichender und
besserer Funktionalität als die Software des Herstellers (oder
anderer Projekte). Und Dein Export vom Remarkable schlägt alles
aus dem Feld was ich sonst so gesehen habe. Ich zeichne beruflich
und privat, und mit den Ergebnissen, die Du da bietest kann ich
halt wirklich weiterarbeiten. S.D.
100% free Community Templates
If you would like to offer your template for the application to the community free of charge, just send me your template by email ( or via [Facebook private message]. Max. 4 selected templates per author. Language: english or german. You can automatically download all of these templates with the rM2 Template Helper and load them onto your reMarkable.
Get a Staedtler
Noris digital classic
Get a Staedler
Noris digital jumbo with rubber
reMarkable Items
Suggest Feature
Imprint and terms of use
Media owner: Mr. Roland Berghöfer
Hans-Grünseis-Gasse 3 | 2700 Wiener Neustadt | Austria
Visit me on facebook
All services on this page are provided free of charge and
without any obligations. The user of this page agrees that this
page uses Google fonts via the Google API and embedded Youtube
videos. In addition, no further data is stored or forwarded.
Disclaimer: Use of this free software is at your own risk. No
liability for data loss or damage to the reMarkable. Back up
your data form the reMarkable before changing it. Tested with
all reMarkable 2 – firmware version.